Thursday, December 25, 2008


I am SO excited. WE had opened all of our presents and there was only the one from mom and dad for all of us. We opened it and to our surprise their was a Disney princess puzzle. We where all like ummmh this is kinda lame. But my mom was like come on look inside and In was thinking OK there is more than this. my mom than proceed to give us each a card. Inside each card said ONE TICKET TO DISNEY LAND!!!

I was left speechless. My eyes got REALLY big and I just kinda stared at it:D. Oh yeah Chelsea we got Mario cart so we can play it when we get home(:). I have been having an awesome time playing with my little cousins (3 ,2, 8 months and 1 year). They are all hilarious and so cute. I am having SO much fun. In hope you all had a great as Christmas as I did!

1 comment:

Chels. said...

Sweet, hey?! You'll have so much fun! haha. I'm so excited for you.

YES! MARIO KART! We'll have to play it. :D