Monday, December 29, 2008

Travel Trip Shop

I had a great time will I was away. I had a chance to go shopping.(Surprise,Surprise). And while I was in Old Navy i was quite distrusted by their advertisement. They had slogans like "I want what I should of got" I want something sparkly" and my personal favorite "I want more". Wow is this really what our world ha come to. Is this the new true meaning of Christmas? Well not for me!
After I had to go to Aeropastle to exchange some cloths. On our way done there was jewellery store that had been robbed. All the display cases had been smashed! We later found out that Somebody had come in and in get this in about 10 seconds get about swiped all the jewellery on display! And there was even a security guard in the jewellery store. Than i went and got some smashing good deals at Aeropasstle:D.
Also while we where there we got to go to the Colossus theatre. It was HUGE!! There was 20 theatres and a Imax. PLUS there was many restaurants such a New York Fries and A&W. PLUS there was an jumbo arcade. PLUS and bar upstairs for the adult. I mean this place is freakin massive!!
On Sunday we went to church to Bible Fellowship. I had a good time there. even though I dearly missed my home church family. It was great to see Victoria and Jenna. We went out to lunch with Jenna to Red Robins. I love their bottomless freckled lemonades there!
After we went home and I began to feel sick. Not fun.
Then on the way to the ferry I strated throwing up. Again not fun. It was everywhere. We just caught the ferry and I decided to sleep in the vechile. When I woke up there was Mackenzie and Brooke waving hello! I had missed them! At that point I was very angry and sick. When we got home I went straight to bed. When I got up I felt much better:)
Tonight is skating which I am very excited about!
Well so long!

1 comment:

Chels. said...

Where did you go shopping?